About Us

The Knowledge Hub is pleased to be facilitating this Community of Practice (CoP) focusing on trauma and violence-informed health promotion for people who have experienced family violence or been abusive in their relationships. 

The Community of Practice is comprised of two representatives from each project funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) through the Preventing and Addressing Family Violence: The Health Perspective investment and will remain active during the project funding period from 2022 –2026. 

The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) provides financial support and oversight for all projects funded through the Preventing and Addressing Family Violence: The Health Perspective investment, including the Knowledge Hub project.  Any questions regarding budgets, timelines, workplans, etc should be addressed to your Program Officer at PHAC.  

The Knowledge Hub project facilitates activities related to engage the Community of Practice and conducts knowledge mobilization activities such as the LN and KH webinar series Webinar Series | Série de Webinaires - Learning Network - Western University (gbvlearningnetwork.ca)   

The Framework which guides how the Community of Practice will work together is available here. The Framework is a living document. If you have any concerns about the content or would like to suggest changes, please reach out to Jenna Lopez. (jlopez45@uwo.ca)    

Knowledge Hub team

Jenna Lopez, Research Coordinator jlopez45@uwo.ca

Sabry Adel Saadi, Implementation Coordinator (Francophone) ssaadi2@uwo.ca  

Katreena Scott, Principal Investigator kscot47@uwo.ca 

Anna-Lee Straatman, Project Manager  astraat2@uwo.ca  

Jade Vajna, Media Technician jvajna@uwo.ca 

Jessica Webb, Implementation Coordinator jwebb63@uwo.ca
