Community of Practice

The Knowledge Hub facilitates a trauma and violence-informed Community of Practice for people working on intervention projects focusing on improving health outcomes for people who have experienced gender-based violence in Canada.  

A Community of Practice is an intentional gathering of people who share an interest in a defined area who connect in meaningful ways to learn and share with one another, to build knowledge about the domain and influence their practice. 

A Framework that guides how the Community of Practice will collaborate and communicate was developed in collaboration with the 2022-2026 Community of Practice and is provided here as a resource

From 2022-2026

A new Community of Practice has been formed to support knowledge sharing and development among 24 projects funded through the Public Health Agency of Canada’s investment, “Preventing and Addressing Family Violence: The Public Health Perspective.” These projects are conducting intervention research projects across Canada to support people across the life course who have experienced family violence or have been abusive towards family members or loved ones.   

To learn more about these projects: click here.

From 2015-2022

A Community of Practice was comprised of two team members from each of 17 projects funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada’s investment “Supporting the health of victims of domestic violence through community programs.  The Community of Practice met regularly to share challenges and solutions related to their project implementation, and to co-construct knowledge based on their learning.  Some products include the report Toward a trauma- and violence-informed research ethics module: Considerations and recommendations and a series of Lessons Learned videos.

To learn more about these projects: click here.